D&D – Day 8

Summary after the break.

Day 8 – Leyf, Blarfingar, Calyx, Amarouq, Tamris

Tamris arrives early, in-costume, bearing props. Props to Tamris. Calyx, Amarouq, and Blarfingar all come aroun 1:45. Game starts in the desert dungeon, thus Tamris and Blarfingar are absent. The floor is moist, not damp. Canteens are filled. They only talk enough to Graorin Waveharp long enough to learn he is an accidental demonmage who raises Fire-Frogs (Zairtails) and is trapped from leaving. They bargain to help him escape if he gives them his purple cape, the Cape of God’s Knickers. It takes far too long for the three active PCs to deactivate the Laser-Magic-Shield-Laser-Magic (which protects the Red Crystal) by turning the drive wheel and reciting poetry [Jabberwocky + Lose Yourself]. When they remove the crystal, it begins to yodel – Amarouq yodels in response, and the two bond. Then the hawk of the shady guy turns into a bat and swoops in,stealing the crystal. The pair then teleports in a shadow burst. The room starts flooding.

Tank drowns, everyone else floats to the catwalk above and they exit through the teleport rooms. Chasing after the shady guy [Qaïцū, Shadar-kai Gloomblade], they bet the tar out of him and his bat/bird/thing. He dissipates in a puff of shadow. They also beat the tar out of Jūn after she stabs Leyf’s eye out. Bummer. After recovering the Red Crystal, they take their quarry back to Lek and get paid, and pick up Tamris. Community Service in the form of training under cops is an acceptable punishment, no?

The Raven Squad then heads to Didax to pick up Blarfingar, buy some cool stuff from J.P., and score some potions from Assassin’s Paradise [a store]. The players down the contents of the actual prop bottles before their characters actually need to use them. Whatever. Tamris picks everyone’s pocket, except for Qaïцū, who appears again and does the Vulcan-death-grip on Blarfingar, taking him hostage. He only wants to talk, but nobody at this point is able to command a conversation, so the PCs don’t learn much. What a wasted noncombat encounter. Qaïцū lets Blarfingar go, grabs him again just to watch the transition from limp-as-a-noodle to flailing-about-wildly and back again, and then he disappears in a puff of shadow. Did I mention he can turn invisible? Oh, and that he has a symbol on his back that looks like a quadrisected circle [⊕]? And that he’s part of a Brotherhood [referred to the Jim Brotherhood for no valid reason]? Maybe that’s important.

Thursday is the sabbath. Pronounced ‘Torsdy,’ as an Irishman would.

The Raven Squad picks up rumors of an uprising in Innsbruck, and they head thataways. They mug and declothe some random guy, talk to a pretty lady in a red dress about gemstones, and head to an alchemy/gemstone-appraisal shoppe. Only learning that there’s gemstones in the mountains near Kannt, and that a mining troupe went there and won’t be back for a month, they return to the store at nightfall and find out where the owner lives. During the following day, they break into the house of the alchemist/appraiser and steal the blueprints to a magic-stick-thingy. I’d be much more descriptive if only my words were taken a little more seriously.

Tamris leaves, we play Liar’s Dice until 6:00.

Four fours. I feel as if this session was one of the least productive sessions we’ve had so far. (=_=)

EDIT: I do believe that they set the alchemist’s house on fire. So there’s something.

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