Canterlot Gardens: An Initial Retrospective

Oh my god.

This has been seriously the best day ever. Of my life.

So many people. So many of the BEST people. So much love and tolerance. So much beautiful artwork. So much beauty. Oh my god.

Okay so maybe not a “retrospective,” more like a “catharsis.” Tears of happiness are real, guys. This is the best fandom. Ever. There’s a handful of bronies I come into contact with every day. I wish the people I met today all lived in the same city I do and went to the same school I do. I wish they would never go away. It’s so special, and it’s so only 3 days. you do realize 3/365 equates to roughly 0.822 %. That number is too small. It needs to be at least 20% higher. 20% better. 20% cooler.

When I finally get around to finishing this one song I’m writing (and my heart returns to a regular pace), I’ll link everything together and revamp my entire presence.

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